Tuesday 13 March 2012

Maintaining your Vehicle Wrap

Our customers are always pleased with the vehicle wraps  Houston Custom Wraps produce for them.  We take great pride in the wraps we produce and explain to our customers how to maintain their vehicle wraps so that they last longer and stay looking good.
Here are some tips to maintaining a wrap.  These tips apply to car wraps, truck wraps, trailer wraps, SUV wraps, van wraps and even window wraps.

The Car Wash
Hundreds if not thousands of dollars have been spent on a vehicle wrap.  The first question that comes up is, “Can we take the wrapped vehicle through the car wash?”  Usually, the answer to this question is ‘yes’, but with exceptions.  The car wash that you choose should not use power scrubbers or high pressure water jets.  These can severely damage a car wrap, van wrap, SUV wrap, trailer wrap, or truck wrap.  The jets can cause water to enter to the underside of the vehicle wrap which will inevitably cause lifting of the vehicle graphics.  Hand washing your vehicle wrap is still the best solution.
Houston Custom Wraps reviews the vehicle graphics instruction bulletins for the major manufacturers of vehicle wrap vinyl.  The instructions for hand washing were generally the same from all three.
  • Customers should wash their vehicle using a non-abrasive cleaner without strong solvents, washing from top down with lots of water.
  • Do not use brushes—whether an automatic car wash or by hand.  Brushes will either dull the laminate or scratch the graphics.  Lifting is also a major concern.  A soft sponge or rag should be used instead while avoiding excessive scrubbing.
  • Rinse with clean water and allow the vehicle to air dry or use a microfiber cloth.
Power Washing
With fleet graphics, hand washing each vehicle is not always an option.  Your fleet can include a combination of car wraps, truck wraps, van wraps, trailer wraps and box truck wraps.  Power washing can be used if you follow these recommendations.  It should be noted that over time the vehicle graphics will start to dull.
  • Avoid excessive pressure.  This can cause damage to the graphics. Also, water can get underneath the graphic causing lifting and curling.
  • Avoid a direct spray at sharp angles to the graphics.
  • Avoid spraying directly on the seams.
  • Replace the section of lifted vehicle graphics if necessary.
Here are some numbers to use when pressure washing.
  • Set water pressure to a maximum 800 psi to 2000 psi
  • Set water temperature to a maximum 72 to 180 degrees
  • Ensure the spray nozzle has a spray pattern of 40 degrees
  • Keep a minimum distance of the nozzle to the vehicle graphic of 12 to 18 inches
  • Maintain a spray angle of at least 45 degrees in a sweeping pattern
  • Do not use a Turbo pressure nozzle
Waxing and Polishing
Avoid waxes whose base is Carnauba.  Polishes that contain silicone or Teflon or are designed for vehicle graphics are fine.
  • Carnauba-based waxes need to be buffed.  The buffing process requires rigorous pressure and can damage or dull vehicle graphics.
  • Waxes can melt in the sun.  This results in a greasy residue which causes dirt to stick and can cause black streaks.
  • If using a polish it should be specifically designed for use on vehicle wraps.  Contact Houston Custom Wraps about a polish designed for your car wrap, van wrap, truck wrap, trailer wrap or box truck wrap.  The polish we offer is designed to protect vehicle graphics against harsh elements and pollution.
  • Regardless of the type of used; be sure it is tested in an inconspicuous place first.
  • Gas spills should be washed off as soon as possible with soapy water.
  • Oil, tar or asphalt that may build up on the vehicle graphics can be removed with an isopropyl alcohol wipe down followed by a cleaning with a citrus-based cleaner.
Initial Maintenance
Keep an eye on your car wrap, van wrap, truck wrap, SUV wrap, trailer wrap or box truck wrap.  This is the best time to catch small problems.  If any issues are discovered, bring the vehicle back to Houston Custom Wraps for evaluation and correction.

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