Monday 20 August 2012

Effective Vehicle Wrap Design For You

There is no doubt anymore that vehicle wraps, whether car wraps, van wraps or truck wraps, are the most cost effective mobile advertising available in the market today.  Small to large companies can all benefit from wrapping their fleet vehicles.  Whether that is applying a car wrap, van wrap, or truck wrap to one vehicle or several, vehicle graphics should be designed with care.
Transforming your fleet or company vehicle into a moving billboard is much more than applying just vehicle graphics film or vehicle graphics vinyl.  After all, it is not the vehicle wrap material that is selling your business, but the marketing message on your mobile billboard that is going to pay dividends.  If the vehicle wrap, i.e. car wrap, van wrap, or truck wrap, design is ineffective, your marketing dollars are not being spent wisely.
Houston Custom Wraps offers the following four points to consider when designing your vehicle wrap.  These are not the end all be all of design, but are some important points to consider as we have experienced these often in the vehicle wrap design process.

Three Messages that Must Be Conveyed

At Houston Custom Wraps we stress that for any vehicle wrap, whether it is a car wrap, van wrap, or truck wrap, there are three messages that should be conveyed.  When utilizing vehicle graphics to make an impression on a customer, the customer needs to know who you are, or your logo, what you do, or the type of product or service you offer, and most importantly, how to contact you.  A customer has 3 to 6 seconds at times to read your message.  Send a clear message.  An effective car wrap design, van wrap design, or truck wrap design draws the customers eye to this key information first.

Avoid Personal Taste

Vehicle graphics for your car wrap, van wrap, or truck wrap should not be about your personal tastes or preferences.  Your company’s vehicle wrap design, at a minimum, should include the three messages above.  The vehicle graphics that surround this underlying information should present the company’s attributes, not yours.  A car wrap, van wrap, or truck wrap should take on the persona of the company.  This is what your customer’s are expecting.  Always keep your clientele’s perception of the company in mind.

Garner Objective Opinions and Criticism

Small business owners and graphics designers of large firms will solicit opinions and feedback from individuals about the car wrap, van wrap, or truck wrap design that has been submitted by Houston Custom Wraps.  When garnering these opinions, they should be from objective sources.  Individuals who will offer constructive criticisms about the overall vehicle wrap design.  A vehicle wrap design for a car wrap, van wrap, or truck wrap is about effective vehicle marketing.  You want individuals critiquing the vehicle wrap design with an eye to brand identity, marketing and strategy.

Match the Wrap to the Vehicle

Unless you are wrapping your work truck for Mary Kay Cosmetics it should not be wrapped in pink.  Car wrap designs, van wrap designs, and truck wrap designs should incorporate matching tones and colors that coincide with your company’s logo.  Images used in vehicle wraps should not distract consumers from your marketing message.  The vehicle wrap design should incorporate the vehicle’s body style to make effective use of mobile billboard impressions.  For example a tailgate of a truck wrap or the back doors of a van wrap should have the company’s logo, the product or service, and contact info as readable as possible.  Why potentially lose this priceless advertising space to artful design elements or imagery that does not get your company’s message across.
Here at Houston Custom Wraps, we take pride that our vehicle wrap designers, our staff, and installers are all marketing professionals.  Houston Custom Wraps is one of the few vehicle wrap companies that offers design consultation for your car wrap, van wrap, or truck wrap prior to beginning the vehicle wrap design process.  Our experienced staff has degrees in marketing and strategy.  Our designers have years of experience in creating effective marketing designs for vehicle wraps, wall wraps, floor wraps, and custom wraps.  If you have any questions about effective mobile advertising or vehicle wrap design, please do not hesitate to contact us.


  1. Thank you for sharing. Set yourself apart from the competition and quickly create brand recognition in your local community with vehicle wrap Boston MA.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Highly skilled companies only can do the creative and accurate vehicle wrapping services. Max Vehicle Wraps is a big name of New York City for truck, Van, Bus and trailer wrapping.

  4. Truly an interesting post about vehicle wraps. Nowadays people love to get custom wraps to give new looks to their vehicles. Have recently got a beautiful vinyl wrap inspired from X-men and love it truly!

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